Consortium of Self Help Group Approach Promoters (CoSAP) is an umbrella of SHG promoting organizations. Members, who adopt the SHG approach as a key tool for the empowerment of women, utilize this platform as a unifying mechanism for the implementation of the approach. This objective is realized through the provision of capacity building training to member organization and representing them in any policy level discussion that paves the ground for the proliferation of the approach.

Lideta Sub City, Woreda 10, African Union Area


Our Vision

To see Self-help communities support each other for economic betterment and stand for social justice in Ethiopia. 


Coordinate and catalyze sustainable Self-help development through capacity enhancement, advocacy, research and partnerships. 

Our values

we will be guided by the following core values in our day today operations, internally & externally:

  • Responsiveness
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Learning
  • Respect social values

Our Strategic Goals

  •       Enable organizations to participate and positively contribute in the country’s sustainable development and poverty reduction programs;
  •          Strengthen the organizational capacity and create enabling environment organizations and women institutions;

  •          Create conducive environment for organizations to closely work and create partnership with other organizations to influence policy;

  •          Introduce and share best experiences with organizations, women groups, national and international development partners;

  •          Build the capacity of member organizations, women’s SHG institutions and grassroots level actors working on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment and;

  •       Facilitate linkages between organizations, SHG institutions and government bodies for dialogue, discussion and cooperation on pertinent issues that affect the lives of women.

Coordination: as a consortium of organizations, CoSAP is responsible for coordinating their efforts of empowering poor women.

Research: identifying livelihood challenges related to Ethiopian women and how they become best appropriated is also among the core themes of CoSAP.

Networking: CoSAP always strives to network with like-minded organizations and working in the area of Women Empowerment programs.

Capacity Building: CoSAP is also engaged in building the capacity of grassroots women’s institutions and member organizations through formal training, experience sharing and monitoring visits as well as on-spot feedback sessions.

Resource Mobilization: to effectively coordinate and implement its activities through the member organizations, CoSAP mobilizes resources from different sources.

Although CoSAP supports any women empowerment programs, it is directly responsible for and certified mainly in the SHG approach.​

Mrs. Hiss Ahmednur is serving in CoSAP’s trainers’ team for the SHG approach. She has grassroots experience of working as SHG project officer 2021 and since then facilitates SHG and CLA concept trainings in Afaan Oromo and Amharic languages.

Mr. Lemawork Dekiso is serving as CoSAP’s pool of trainers and Federation Strengthening Team (FST) for the SHG approach. He works on SHGA since 2010. He has rich experience in facilitating SHG, CLA and Federation concept trainings. Currently he works full time for PIN but helps CoSAP to expand its capacity building initiatives. Lemawork is fluent and facilitate training in Amharic and Afaan Oromo languages.

Ms. Hewan Demisse is a member of CoSAP’s pool of trainers and Federation Strengthening Team (FST) for the SHG approach. She works on SHG approach since 2012. She has rich experience in facilitating SHG, CLA and Federation concept trainings.

Mrs. Kidest Shiferaw is serving in CoSAP’s trainers’ team for the SHG approach. She has grassroots experience of working as SHG project officer 2015 and since then facilitates SHG and CLA concept trainings in Afaan Oromo and Amharic languages.

Mr. Elias Wogayehu is serving as CoSAP’s pool of trainers for the SHG approach. He works on SHGA since 2003. He has rich experience in facilitating SHG and CLA concept trainings. Currently Elias works with government office but is helping CoSAP with various capacity building initiatives.

Mr. Adugna Haji is a project officer of CoSAP member organization (ADAA). He works on SHGA since 2013. He has rich experience in facilitating SHG, CLA and Federation concept trainings. Currently he works full time for ADAA but helps CoSAP to expand its capacity building initiatives. Adugna Haji is fluent speaker and facilaite trainings in Afaan Oromo.


Mrs. Nohamin Addis was added in CoSAP’s pool of trainers and Federation Strengthening Team (FST) for the SHG approach in 2018 though she worked with SHGs since 2009. She has rich experience in facilitating SHG, CLA and Federation concept trainings. Currently she works full time for MCDP but helps CoSAP with its capacity building initiatives.

Ms. Mariah Omer is a volunteer in CoSAP for facilitating trainings for SHG women on rights based approach, lobby and advocacy skills. She has rich experience in facilitating trainings on Ethiopia’s legal code, GBV and lobby and advocacy skills. Currently she is affiliated with Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA), with which CoSAP has affiliation.


Ms. Christine Yohannnes is an Ethiopia national but currently lives in London. Ms. Christine is full time BBC news staff. She volunteered to help CoSAP with in media, culture, arts and liaise with international donors.

Ms. Meti Dereje used to work for CoSAP. Ms. Meti is fundraising expert and volunteer to support CoSAP in developing grant proposals to solicit funding from donors. She currently works for Plan International Africa Union Liaison Office.

Mrs. Eleni Misganaw used to work for CoSAP at the capacity of Program Coordinator. Eleni is a volunteer for CoSAP in editing, proofreading and preparation of training materials and other organizational contents. Mrs. Eleni is an honorable member of CoSAP general assembly.



Mr. Berhanu Tadesse was a project coordinator of CoSAP. After leaving the organization, he is still involved with CoSAP in translating and preparation of training materials into Afaan Oromo language. Mr. Berhanu is an honorable member of CoSAP general assembly.








The General Assembly is the highest governing body of CoSAP. The Board of Directors elected by the General closely provides guidance to the Secretariat on strategic and policy level issues. The day to day operations of CoSAP office is led by the Director, assisted by Program Coordination and Administration and Finance sections.